Daripada Abu Abbas, Abdullah bin Abbas r.a : Bahawa pada suatu hari saya sedang berada di belakang Rasulullah SAW ( di atas binatang tunggangannya ), lalu sabda baginda : 'Wahai anak kecil, sesungguhnya aku telah mengajar kamu beberapa perkataan. Peliharalah ( perintah ) Allah, nescaya Dia akan memelihara kamu, peliharalah ( kehormatan ) Allah, nescaya engkau akan merasakan Dia berada bersama-samamu. Jika engkau memohon, pohonlah kepada Allah semata-mata. Jika engkau meminta pertolongan mintalah kepada Allah semata-mata. Ketahuilah bahawa jika semua umat manusia berkumpul untuk memberikan kepadamu sesuatu menafaat, nescaya mereka tidak akan mampu memberi menafaat itu, melainkan dengan sesuatu yang telah ditaqdirkan oleh Allah. Begitu juga sekiranya mereka berkumpul untuk menentukan suatu mudharat untuk kamu, nescaya mereka tidak akan mampu menentukannya, melainkan dengan suatu yang telah ditentukan Allah ke atas kamu. Telah diangkat kalam ( tulisan ) dan telah kering ( tinta ) buku catitan.'
(Riwayat Tirmizi)
Wasiat al-Banna, kurangkanlah ketawa
Fahri Abdullah al-Masri
Jangan banyak ketawa sebab hati yang selalu berkomunikasi dengan Allah (zikir) sangat tenang dan tenteram. Hasan al-Banna.
Ada riwayat yang menunjukkan bahawa kebanyakan ketawanya ialah dengan tersenyum, dan apabila baginda ketawa, baginda ketawa seperti embun yang dingin. Sementara itu, ada juga riwayat yang menyebutkan bahawa ketawa Rasulullah tidak menunjukkan gigi.
Bagaimanapun, semua perlakuan itu cuma sekadar mengingatkan umat Islam selaku umat pendakwah bahawa gurauan, ketawa itu cuma amalan untuk mengurangi ketegangan jiwa.
Saidina Ali k.w juga menyebutkan bahawa sesekali kita perlu bergurau untuk menyebabkan jiwa rasa terhibur. Tetapi, ini tidak bererti kita perlu berhibur secara keterlaluan.
Maka, Hasan al-Banna telah menyusun dan merintis semula faham ini dengan meletakkan suatu pesanan yang sangat berguna kepada para dai'e dan Muslimin yang beriltizam dengan agama Islam ini.
Al-Banna tidaklah sampai mengharamkan gurauan dan ketawa. Namun, beliau seperti baginda Rasulullah s.a.w dan Saidina Ali, telah menyeru dan memperbaharui seruan melalui wasiatnya supaya umat Islam ini kurangkan bergurau dan melebihkan amalan dan tindakan.
Ini kerana, gurauan dan gelak ketawa yang berlebihan boleh mamatikan hati dan fikiran daripada memikirkan nasib dan permasalahan umat Islam yang menderita akibat penjajahan yang berterusan.
Tetapi, jika kita berterusan hidup dalam ketegangan, hal ini akan menyebabkan kerungsingan, kerisauan yang akhirnya mengundang kesan kejiwaan yang parah pula.
Maka, sikap yang terbaik dalam hal ini ialah kita mewakafkan lebih banyak masa untuk memikirkan serta menyusun tindakan bagi menyelesaikan permasalahan umat Islam. Selebihnya, saki-baki waktu itu diluang untuk merehatkan jiwa, hati dan fikiran kita setelah penat bekerja dalam seharian.
Atau jika masa dan kehidupan ini boleh kita pecahkan dalam bentuk peratusan, maka bolehlah diandaikan seperti ini. Iaitu, masa dan kehidupan untuk berfikir dalam hal permasalahan umat Islam ini ialah 70 peratus, manakala baki masa 30 peratus lagi adalah untuk senda gurauan.
Bagaimanapun, peratusan ini hanyalah sebagai gambaran kepada betapa pentingnya seseorang Muslim itu hidup di atas muka bumi ini untuk memperuntukkan kebanyakan masanya ke arah hal yang lebih berfaedah. Sementara, hal gurau senda dan bergelak ketawa itu hanyalah sekadar sedikit sahaja.
Maka, marilah kita sebagai Muslim yang ingin mencapai kebaikan di dunia dan di akhirat bermuhasabah mengenai kehidupan seharian kita sendiri. Dalam tempoh 24 jam, berapa banyakkah masa yang kita wakafkan untuk Islam dan Muslimin? Berapa banyakkah masa yang kita gunakan untuk kepentingan masyarakat?
Beruntunglah bagi Muslimin yang banyak meluangkan masa untuk membaca, menghadiri bengkel-bengkel ilmiah dan sebagainya lagi. Jika sebaliknya, maka tergolonglah mereka dalam kalangan mereka yang rugi.
Cabaran untuk membina sebuah masyarakat yang benar-benar memanfaatkan waktunya ke arah kebaikan sangat hebat. Dengan hiburan yang melampau-lampau dalam masyarakat kita hari ini, ditambah pula dengan kurangnya agamawan yang mahir dalam selok-belok penyiaran televisyen, rasa-rasanya agak mustahil kita lakukan semua ini.
Sekiranya lebih ramai agamawan yang mahir dalam bidang pembikinan media elektronik, maka kemungkinan besar masa-masa yang berkualiti dalam kalangan masyarakat kita akan dapat dipertingkatkan.
Sistem kehidupan bekerja yang dicipta oleh negara kita dan masyarakat antarabangsa pada hari ini ialah jumlah jam bekerja selama 8 jam (9 pagi sehingga 5 petang). Selepas tempoh bekerja, sekurang-kurangnya masyarakat kita akan berada di rumah dan meluangkan waktu bersama keluarga dengan mononton televisyen.
Namun, sayangnya acara-acara hiburan itu dikuasai oleh golongan pengkarya yang melebihkan unsur hiburan, lagho sahaja. Jika ada acara-acara tv yang bermotifkan keagamaan sekali pun, jumlahnya sangat sedikit dan terhad.
Atau, dalam erti kata lain, barangkali kita boleh misalkan begini..
Iaitu program hiburan, filem, drama, nyanyian dan lain-lainnya adalah hampir 80 peratus, dan selebihnya yang berjumlah 20 peratus lagi diperuntukkan kepada program-program yang bersifat keagamaan.
Ditinjau dari sudut ini, akan tercapaikan hasrat, wasiat dan pesanan Rasulullah s.a.w, Saidina Ali k.w dan Hasan al-Banna? Maka, terletak kepada kitalah insan Muslim yang sedar untuk mengubah semua ini supaya masyarakat kita ini akan melebihkan banyak waktunya yang berkualiti.
Iaitu, biarlah mereka lebih banyak didedahkan dengan program-program bermanfaat dan selebihnya adalah program-program yang bersifat santai sahaja.
What is Terrorism and who are the terrorists?
By Dr. Perwazekhudi
Dispute on this issue has been going on throughout the world, especially since 9/11. The world's leading Scholars, thinkers and politicians, have not yet; come up with a one Single most definition of terrorism or terrorist which will be acceptable to all. So far, whoever has defined terrorism; it is either politically motivated or religiously biased. Therefore we are not able to develop common consciences over this crucial issue. The matter even gets more complex when each country, state, Nation or a group of Individuals, start creating their own definition according to their need. If this latest trend, continues and the world peace loving majority did not come to a common ground on this issue, than those people who are charged with political & religious zealous will keep their tunnel vision, focused only on very few terrorist organizations namely Al-Qaeda & few alike, while hundreds of other terrorist groups (including few States & nations) will continue their barbaric activities under our noses, in the name of survival, self-defense, law and order, civil disobedience etc etc. Therefore, we the common people, of this planet have the responsibility to identify and fight against all & every evil, without any discrimination or personnel biased. Having said that, I would like to present you, with my understanding of this menace:
"Any one, who deliberately, in his right state of mind, causes harm to another, life or lives (Human and or Animal) and property(s) without any legal & or Moral Justification, supported by the local (country, state) and or international law, in my humble opinion, is a terrorist and whatever, comes out, as a result, of his action, is Terrorism". By, "anyone" I mean, single or a group of individuals, country, State or Nation and when I say "harm", it could be anything from a simple injury, harassment and vandalism to a killing, massacre and mass destruction as well as psychological, social and financial trauma to others.
After this explanation, it is not so hard to figure out that Terrorism is not a new invention of 21st century, but existed throughout human history. However, most of us start hearing about this, only after the unfortunate incident of 9/11. Even though, in the late 20th century we would hear sporadically, about terrorist activities but with the growth of electronic media, especially the Internet, news are spreading in the world within matter of seconds, compare to days & even months in the past. Here are few examples, of past, recent past and present, terrorists & terrorism:
1. Long before Islam & Christianity, Egyptian pharaoh expelled thousands of Jewish, Children, women, Elderly to Sinai dessert where they lived for forty years. Even though considering the nature of Jews (not Jewish or Israelis), who might have created some problem for the King but no matter what, punishing the entire Nation for the mistake of only few, is not an excuse.
2. Destruction (1st) of the Salomon's temple, a national heritage of Jewish, by Nebuchadnezzar and subsequent exile of Israelites, from their homeland, is another example of an act of terrorism. However keep in mind, none of these people, mentioned in 1 & 2 were Muslims or Christians, but rather worshipers of kings, Queens or multiple other gods like today's Hindus in India.
3. Similarly, second & third time destruction, of the Salomon's temple by the Greeks & Romans respectively, who were either Zoroastrians or some other types of Polytheists.
4. The entire world especially, Muslim & Christian, cannot forget the atrocity of the "crusaders" who slaughtered hundreds of thousand, Muslims, their children, females & elderly in a cold blood. These people, just like Yazeed, were the followers of a Peaceful religion but this time, it was Christianity.
5. Who can ever forget the world's most infamous terrorists namely Hitler & Stalin, who killed millions of innocent people elsewhere, including in their respective countries. Interestingly, both were born Christian; however Stalin, in his adulthood became a communist.
6. Who is the inventor of Atomic bomb? Of course a JEW, Albert Einstein, who used his God given brain and knowledge to produce an evil, for the destruction of his own race and Civilization?
7. Now, who were those, who bombed the Hiroshima & Nagasaki with the Atom bomb, killing thousands of innocent Japanese, destroying their, buildings, livestock, plantations and the rest is well known to all of us? These were some of the top decision makers, in the American government and establishment, who were, also supposedly Christians but not by their action.
8. Similarly the Kamikaze suicide air attacker, who bombed the Pearl Harbor, killing thousands American soldiers plus injured several thousand other without any mercy. They were from Japan, which is predominantly Buddhist country.
9. The most recent, massacre in "Gaza" is a painful reminder, to the whole world, specifically Muslim, of the Jews and their State sponsored terrorism which has constantly, in the past sixty years, killed, humiliate and demoralized, people of Palestine, both Muslims & Christians, as well as barricading them, from all 3 sides, in a one large prison. In this very recent war crime of Gaza, alone, Jews killed and injured, several thousand innocent Palestinians including four hundreds children & babies. Not to mention, the shameless destruction of schools, houses, mosques, hotels even UN building.
10. This article will be not complete, if I do not mention, about the "Hindu terrorism & terrorists" which is widely ignored or unknown to the west. There are over 144 different terrorist organizations in India, belonging to Hindus. Most of them are well known to us in Asia because they have not yet crossed the border of our continent. Furthermore, India's famous intelligence agency RAW as well as at a time the government itself has participated in terrorist activities such as the killing of 90,000 plus Kashmiri, who are resisting the Indian occupation since 1947. Furthermore, a massive gang of Hindu terrorists made of ordinary Hindus, from India who burned & killed alive, over 4000 Muslims from Gujarat (one of the Indian state), with the consent of the State prime minister Mr. Modi, who himself is a well known terrorist even recognized as such, by the USA, where he is not allowed to visit. Furthermore, not too long ago, in the Malegaon massacre as well as in the bombing of a passenger bus, killing sixty two Pakistani citizens, the Indian law enforcement agencies arrested several Hindu terrorists, who were involved in these terrorist acts including the infamous colonel of Indian army "MR. Purohit', while he was still on an active duty. Similarly these Hindu terrorists have killed over 30,000 Sikh and several thousand innocent Christians of Indian nationality. Just because they were asking for their right of freedom (in case of Sikh) or they were teaching the Hindus about Jesus & his holy message.
Having said, that I do not believe all Hindus are terrorist. Just like I stated above, regarding other religions and non religious terrorism. In fact terrorists, have no religion, culture or race, rather they are, a group of deviants, from the human's Norm.
Unfortunately, we are the one, who link them to a particular race, nation or a religion because of our personnel biased, lack of knowledge or political gain & or prejudice. And by doing so we provide these handful criminals, with a larger platform as well as hideout among millions of good, law abiding, peace loving and God fearing people rather than identifying them, according to their deeds. Which will not only put them into an isolation but also we will be not alienating so many good people who might look like or share with them some cultural or religious commonalities.
What I wrote in this brief article is no more than a drop in the bucket for this topic. However, it is good starter to provide some for food for thought, especially for those, who think that they or their predecessors were angels.
Sekolah Memandu, Supplement Harian, Suami, Isteri, Masakan, Anak-anak, Pedoman Hidup Seharian, Supplement, Herba
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